John’s BLOG
All things I have a passion for.
Success books don’t work unless you know this
Psst ... here’s a dirty little secret: You’re highly unlikely to succeed by reading success books until you answer a basic question about yourself.
Success book authors start from their...
I know I’m being successful when …
I know I'm being successful when:
- I can be generous in giving and gifting.
- I have complete control over my time.
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Love Your Crisis of Meaning
On creative breakthroughs, from conscious entrepreneur Calvin Corelli:
You know these periods that you go through, where you're not sure where you're going or why. The thing you were...
How Nonprofit CEOs Make Strategic Planning Work for Them
Nonprofit chief executive, your organization's strategic plan is all about your needs.
Here's how you get clear on what you need, and then get what you need, in 19 steps. You can...
You Can’t Manage Millennials, So Stop Trying
There’s been a fascination with Millennials in the nonprofit world that may be enticing leaders down the wrong path due to some incorrect notions about what Millennials think,...
Listening Well Means Winning in Executive Relationships
Interpersonal relationships challenge nonprofit chief executives especially because so much is at stake. Merger partners, board chairs, direct reports managing huge programs—getting relationships with these people right means winning, while...
Six Steps to Communicating Change in Your Nonprofit
Communicate about change with others as you would have them communicate about change with you. Be considerate, especially. This six-part model includes Reality, Vision, Roles, Expect Next, Expect Later, Listen.
...The Emotional Side of Leading through Change
My friend Mary Hiland writes about how changing her home helps her think about leading through change in a nonprofit. Good stuff!
For change efforts in organizations to be successful...
Start with Why Before Stating Your Nonprofit’s Mission
Starting conversations with your nonprofit's mission puts the least compelling part first. Instead, start with your vision—the why. Move on to your values—the how. Only then state your mission—the what.
...Strategic Planning Preparation in 15 Easy Steps
Productive, enjoyable nonprofit strategic planning retreats take preparation. Fortunately, the preparation itself is so chock-full of win-win goodness that each bite won't seem elephantine at all.
- Get clear on...
Three Tasty Steps to Useful Nonprofit Strategic Planning (And There’s PIE!)
A good nonprofit strategic planning process includes three components. If your organization skips or poorly executes one of these components, it is unlikely to get results from its strategic plan.
...Banish Boring Board Meetings with a Strategic Thinking Calendar
Boring meetings that don't engage board members' minds are a prime reason for board disengagement. You can de-boring (!) your board meetings with a strategic thinking calendar.
A strategic thinking...
Identify Your Business Model Before Strategic Planning (Preliminarily, At Least)
Use the quick exercise below to take a first stab at identifying your nonprofit's business model, then get input from all the people who care about your organization to zero...
Four Guidelines for Useful Strategic Planning
Developing a useful strategy that holds everyone accountable to producing results requires an effective process that follows four guidelines:
- Trust the organization. An effective process doesn't employ outside consultants...
List Salary Ranges on Nonprofit Job Postings, Says Vu
As a colleague of mine says, “When you don’t give a salary range, you’re saying that you’re only going to hire people who are married to people with professional...